In relazione alle polemiche sull'organizzazione del G8 fomentate dalla stampa estera, sono andato a leggermi l'articolo del Guardian incriminato.
Contiene dei punti assolutamente opinabili, ed altri che fanno riflettere. In buona sostanza, su molti aspetti dell'organizzazione (in primis la location, non ancora in sicurezza, e il fatto che a causa del summit sono stati spostati gli interventi di ricostruzione più urgenti dalle abitazioni civili alle chiese e ai monumenti di interesse artistico) il governo si è dimostrato oltremodo carente, ma siamo comunque in una situazione ben diversa dalla Babele che il giornale d'oltremanica intende dipingere.
Ciò detto, volevo invece segnalare alcuni commenti di lettori stranieri presenti nella pagina web dell'articolo inglese, tanto per replicare a chi sostiene che all'estero ci facciamo solo figuracce a causa del Cavaliere.
Ah, naturalmente ci sono anche molte opinioni avverse a Berlusconi...però se si guarda bene provengono da commentatori italiani...sarà un caso?
(english language required...sorry)
07 Jul 09, 10:53am
"Silvio Berlusconi ... delivering only 3% of development aid promises made four years ago, and ... planning cuts of more than 50% in Italy's overseas aid budget." Good luck Silvio - you are blazing a trail that Britain should follow. Charity begins at home. Don't be a Mrs. Jellyby!
07 Jul 09, 11:13am
There is another side to all of this. And the one- sidedness of this article cries out for it.Let's put it this way, shall we?1. None of the G8 members have anything to propose, but let's hide that behind an attack on Italy.
2 The general public doesn't even know what they are doing or why they are even bothering to spend the travel money, and the press has already clearly told everyone that the G8 is a gas house of 'senior' politicians who promise lots in front of cameras and then don't deliver. So there is no public support.
3. Berlusconi has decided to place all these pious politicians in a spot where real urgency and potential for human disaster can be felt through their feet and into their stomachs. Not a bad idea at all!!.
4. Turning on Berlusconi is simply political opportunism of the lowest kind that we rarely see out in the open.
5. Going crying to Mr Obama is either a lying slant on what is going on or a statement so dire of collective EU political backbone that the press should be taking it up.
Just to be clear to all those who think I may be ignorant of the 'Berlusconi' epic,this article in my opinion should be about the G8 and its effectiveness and not Berlusconi.The G8 is a collective body. It is outrageous to place collective uselessness, collective unwillingness, collective hypocrisy on the back of the organiser of this G8 using the angle that Berlusconi should be rubbished.Have you already forgotten the photo ops with Bliar, with Sarwhosehe et al?Come on guys? React .
07 Jul 09, 11:25am
English Cherry
As we speak, a drama is unfolding in the Mediterranean that you are unlikely to hear much of in the Western media. Israel has hijacked a ship in international waters which contained supplies for Gaza that President Obama recently requested Israel to allow into the Gaza strip.
Onboard is Nobel prize laureate and former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. You would think, especially after all the fuss the media made about the Iranian British Embassy workers being charged in Tehran, that this would be headline news everywhere and a major diplomatic incident....
The saddest thing about the torrent of negative emotions and anger that
"politicians" like Berlusconi (and Blair and Brown in the UK) provoke in their
public is that they then feel that they have to apologise or explain themselves.
We absolutely don't.
07 Jul 09, 11:57am
I'm an anglo-italian living and working in Italy. The majority of Italians are living in fear of criminals, lawyers and politicians.The difference between Italian society and so-called Anglo-Saxon or Nordic society is that Italians are a collection of individuals, they have no civic sense, most Italians really don't care about anyone who isn't a close family member. On the other hand, there are also some of the best people one could ever hope to meet. Problem is, the scum rises always to the top. Oh and don't be fooled when SB tries to blame it on the left, there is no left. There is no real capitalism either. The Italian state stiffles innovation, penalises hard work and damages everything it touches. This didn't start with SB, but he has done nothing to tackle these problems, instead it's the same old, same old.
Contiene dei punti assolutamente opinabili, ed altri che fanno riflettere. In buona sostanza, su molti aspetti dell'organizzazione (in primis la location, non ancora in sicurezza, e il fatto che a causa del summit sono stati spostati gli interventi di ricostruzione più urgenti dalle abitazioni civili alle chiese e ai monumenti di interesse artistico) il governo si è dimostrato oltremodo carente, ma siamo comunque in una situazione ben diversa dalla Babele che il giornale d'oltremanica intende dipingere.
Ciò detto, volevo invece segnalare alcuni commenti di lettori stranieri presenti nella pagina web dell'articolo inglese, tanto per replicare a chi sostiene che all'estero ci facciamo solo figuracce a causa del Cavaliere.
Ah, naturalmente ci sono anche molte opinioni avverse a Berlusconi...però se si guarda bene provengono da commentatori italiani...sarà un caso?
(english language required...sorry)
07 Jul 09, 10:53am
"Silvio Berlusconi ... delivering only 3% of development aid promises made four years ago, and ... planning cuts of more than 50% in Italy's overseas aid budget." Good luck Silvio - you are blazing a trail that Britain should follow. Charity begins at home. Don't be a Mrs. Jellyby!
07 Jul 09, 11:13am
There is another side to all of this. And the one- sidedness of this article cries out for it.Let's put it this way, shall we?1. None of the G8 members have anything to propose, but let's hide that behind an attack on Italy.
2 The general public doesn't even know what they are doing or why they are even bothering to spend the travel money, and the press has already clearly told everyone that the G8 is a gas house of 'senior' politicians who promise lots in front of cameras and then don't deliver. So there is no public support.
3. Berlusconi has decided to place all these pious politicians in a spot where real urgency and potential for human disaster can be felt through their feet and into their stomachs. Not a bad idea at all!!.
4. Turning on Berlusconi is simply political opportunism of the lowest kind that we rarely see out in the open.
5. Going crying to Mr Obama is either a lying slant on what is going on or a statement so dire of collective EU political backbone that the press should be taking it up.
Just to be clear to all those who think I may be ignorant of the 'Berlusconi' epic,this article in my opinion should be about the G8 and its effectiveness and not Berlusconi.The G8 is a collective body. It is outrageous to place collective uselessness, collective unwillingness, collective hypocrisy on the back of the organiser of this G8 using the angle that Berlusconi should be rubbished.Have you already forgotten the photo ops with Bliar, with Sarwhosehe et al?Come on guys? React .
07 Jul 09, 11:25am
English Cherry
One thing that scares me is the fact that our media are auto-censoringThis isn't an Italian problem; it's a contemporary Western problem. You'll find the media in the USA, the UK and Australia are just as impotent and subservient.
themselves. There's no need for the prime minister to tell the media not to
spread some news. They already know this will be dangerous and therefore won't
do it anyway.
As we speak, a drama is unfolding in the Mediterranean that you are unlikely to hear much of in the Western media. Israel has hijacked a ship in international waters which contained supplies for Gaza that President Obama recently requested Israel to allow into the Gaza strip.
Onboard is Nobel prize laureate and former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. You would think, especially after all the fuss the media made about the Iranian British Embassy workers being charged in Tehran, that this would be headline news everywhere and a major diplomatic incident....
I would like to specify that I'm not a follower of the left (opposition)
parties, I just consider myself a free and rational Italian woman.
The saddest thing about the torrent of negative emotions and anger that
"politicians" like Berlusconi (and Blair and Brown in the UK) provoke in their
public is that they then feel that they have to apologise or explain themselves.
We absolutely don't.
07 Jul 09, 11:57am
I'm an anglo-italian living and working in Italy. The majority of Italians are living in fear of criminals, lawyers and politicians.The difference between Italian society and so-called Anglo-Saxon or Nordic society is that Italians are a collection of individuals, they have no civic sense, most Italians really don't care about anyone who isn't a close family member. On the other hand, there are also some of the best people one could ever hope to meet. Problem is, the scum rises always to the top. Oh and don't be fooled when SB tries to blame it on the left, there is no left. There is no real capitalism either. The Italian state stiffles innovation, penalises hard work and damages everything it touches. This didn't start with SB, but he has done nothing to tackle these problems, instead it's the same old, same old.
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